SPX Galvanised Steel Structural Panels
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Galvanized Steel Structural Panels

email: info@spxsteel.com

The main difference between SPX panels and traditional stick-built panels is the unibody aspect of the design.  With SPX,  the combined strength of the steel forming and integrated diaphragm provide the structural rigidity. The SPX web, overlapping shoulders and exterior diaphragm are all key components to the structural performance. 

The SPX system has been engineered, modelled and tested to exceed the building code requirements in Canada and the United States.  SPX panels are suitable for residential and commercial load bearing wall applications above or below grade, and conforms with the Ontario Building Code (Ont. Reg. 350/06, “OBC”), and the 2009-15 International Building Code ("IBC"), and 2009-15 International Residential Code ("IRC"). Design basis conforms with AISI S100-12 CAN/ CSA-S136 (AISI S100), “North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members”.